id: 662ppz

Trucks for Ukraine

Trucks for Ukraine

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*Iznos izražen u eurima na temelju ponderirane prosječne stope donacija u svim valutama. Za daljnje detalje također posjetite


  • Sadly we were unable to reach our goal of 4000€ for the trucks. We have therefore decided to use the 1,108€ to fund the retrofitting of an existing pickup truck. The money will be used for tyres, paint, fuel to Ukraine and other essentials. The vehicle will be leaving for Lviv in July. We have partnered with who will use your donations to fulfill the intend goal. I will likely join them in July to deliver the vehicle and will update you all here with links and photos.

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Dodajte ažuriranja i informirajte pristaše o napretku kampanje.
To će povećati vjerodostojnost vašeg prikupljanja sredstava i angažmana donatora.


After our successful journey to bring back Ukrainian civilian’s escaping the onslaught from Putin’s aggression back in 2022 (AID THE BRAVE) we are now asking for your help again to buy and retrofit much needed pick up trucks for those giving their lives on the frontline defending our freedoms in Ukraine. The truck/trucks will be delivered personally by ourselves to the Polish boarder where they will be collected by one of our Ukrainian military contacts and delivered directly to their unit.

We are asking you to donate whatever you can. All donations will go directly to purchasing the 1 or 2 trucks and parts needed to maintain it. We are aiming to reach 4000€, and our friends at the front really need your help. Everything counts.

You can follow our journey from London to the frontlines via our Facebook page.

(photos of Trucks are for example purposes)

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Preuzmite mobilnu aplikaciju i prikupljajte sredstva za svoj cilj gdje god bili!

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  • Samuel Tyrer

    Great guys. We have reached the 1000 euro mark. We will be holding a car boot sale on 20.4. Please join if near buy. All profits go to the trucks.

  • Samuel Tyrer

    Awesome start Everyone. Thank you all. If you would like to donate any equipment for the vehicle please contact me. +358442760254