id: 5rtepg

Talented Handball Players

Talented Handball Players

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*Iznos izražen u eurima na temelju ponderirane prosječne stope donacija u svim valutama. Za daljnje detalje također posjetite


I would like to introduce you to two very talented handball players. My son Dino, 17 years old, who is building his handball career in the small town of Čakovec and my daughter Ena, 11 years old, who is also building her handball career in the same town. Both are very good at handball and are devoted to the sport, never missing a single training session or match. My wife and I spend a lot of time every day taking them to training sessions and matches from a small town 20 km from Čakovec. We have invested a lot of time and money in their progress. Thanks to a good friend, Dino attended a trial training session at a first league club in Zagreb, where the coach told me that he had great potential and that he wanted him in the club, but due to the financial situation, we could not realize the move to that club. He also won the award for promising handball player. In her age group, Ena holds the first place in Croatia in terms of goals scored and is the winner of the award for the most useful player of the match in every match. Your donations would help us a lot so that we can enable children to further progress and develop in the handball sport and to continue cheering them on their way to top European clubs and ultimately to join the Croatian national team! Thank you in advance for your help! Greetings!

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