id: 26h4jz

Startup - Gamethode

Startup - Gamethode

Neaktivne donacije - potrebna radnja Organizatora prikupljanja sredstava. Ako ste Organizator - prijavite se i poduzmite potrebnu akciju.
Aktivne kasice na prikupljanju sredstava: 1
Dodajte kasicu prikupljanju sredstava

Za što ćeš danas prikupljati sredstva?
*Iznos izražen u eurima na temelju ponderirane prosječne stope donacija u svim valutama. Za daljnje detalje također posjetite


  • Update 1.2.2024:

    The website is currently in the building phase --> loged in member site is currently in progress

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Gamethode - the sports betting algorithm of the next level!

Hello to all users, who clicked on this link and wants to find out more about my startup. My name is Gregor, I am a mechanical engineer in the simulation area in automobile industry, responsible to connect and simulate automobile componentes close to reality + I have also experience in condition failure monitoring during vehicle component tests to predict failure in an early stage by using advanced methods developed by myself. This knowledge also led me to dial into the topic of sports betting prediction and handle the situation similar like I have done in the past --> to predict the outcome of a game based on numbers! Thats not only using statistics, I have developed an EDMS-algorithm which uses a lot of analysis techniques of machine learning and mathematical representations. So I started with my own startup and I am currently in the building phase of the website and the whole implementation of this algorithm for the future members. I got also blessed with my first daughter (at the moment right now when I write this text, she is 6 weeks old), and currently time and budget is less to develop this in parallel to my full-time job. Thats why I am here to get some support from you. But it should be a win-win situation and for all users who donate something to get my startup working, I will offer a membership reduction up to 50%. We all have a dream and mine is to give my daughter the best life she deserves!

Thanks to all of you!

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Neaktivne donacije - potrebna je operacija Organizatora prikupljanja sredstava. Ako ste Organizator - prijavite se i poduzmite potrebne radnje.


2500 likovi
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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