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Help me save my family from the war in Gaza

Help me save my family from the war in Gaza

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Friends, donors and all good-hearted people,

We are starting this fundraiser on behalf of our friend, Fadi Alquadeem.

Fadi is a Palestinian refugee from Gaza living in Poland. Persecuted by the occupation government and forced to leave his country because of his work on behalf of families separated by the ruthless Israeli system. 

Fadi himself was arrested by Israel just for visiting his wife in the West Bank. Fadi loves his new country, but Gaza will always be a part of him.

Fadi's family still lives in Gaza, including his brother, four sisters - two unmarried, two with families, his sister in law, and his grandmother.

The matriarch of the family, Selma, is 87 years old. She's older than Israel itself. She survived the Nakba in 1948 - Selma's father was killed during the Nakba, she grew up as an orphan. 

Today, Selma suffers from dementia, but still remembers her grandson and misses him greatly. 

We would like Selma to be able to spend the last years of her life in peace, surrounded by love, but her house was bombed. 

Today, Selma and her family live in a tent on the ruins of their house in Az-Zawayda, still listening to the sound of Israeli bombs.

Two of Fadi's siblings - sister Islam and brother Faras - are teachers. They used to teach kids from the neighborhood for free at their home. 

Sabreen and Rana are nurses who fought for the lives of the wounded in Al-Shifa, Al-Aqsa and Al-Nasser hospitals. Heba is a housewife and has five children. Rana has three.

The war separated Rania and Msalam, Fadi's brother - he is now (relatively safe) in the West Bank, she is imprisoned in Gaza.

They're a gentle, educated family who, above all, wants to live peacefully. 

Today we are asking you for help - help us save the Alqadeem family and get them out of the war zone. 

Help Selma live her last years in peace. We realize that this is a huge task and that it will be difficult, but we have to try anyway.

If by some miracle a permanent ceasefire happens and an evacuation is not necessary, we would like to use these funds to rebuild the family's bombed home.

The estimated cost to evacuate one person is $5,000 for an adult and $2,500 for a child under the age of 16. 

Our list includes Selma, Faras, Islam, Sabreen, Heba with her husband Ashraf and five children, Rana with her husband Asmi and three children, and Rania.

We would also like to cover the costs of their stay in Egypt (about $5,000) until they receive a visa to Poland and their maintenance in the first months in Poland (another $5,000). 

Thank you so much for reading, any and all help is greatly appreciated. 

Please share our plea and help amplify our voice.

Grandma Selma


Rana and her kids


Heba, Ashraf and their sons Ahmad, Hosni, Mohamed and Salamuh (their daughter Rima doesn't like pictures and ran away when these were taken;)


Sabreen and Islam


Faras with his students


sXbIYjMqMq8zEPcN.jpgThe house before the war


The house now

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