id: w9wdn9

Damon Runyon Cancer Research

Damon Runyon Cancer Research

Järjestäjä tarkisti kuvauksen asianmukaisilla asiakirjoilla.
Järjestäjä poisti varainkeruun käytöstä.

Mitä varten keräät tänään varoja?
*Määrä ilmaistuna euroina perustuu kaikkien valuuttojen painotettuun keskimääräiseen lahjoituskurssiin. Lisätietoja myös osoitteessa


  • Hello,

    If you donate money and I will climb the Kilimanjaro, I will do the following for you:

    • for a 20€ donation (100PLN): I will send you a personal Thank you email
    • for 200€ (1000PLN): I will send you a postcard from Africa (I would need your address)
    • for 1000€ (5000PLN): I will make a photo of your name on Kilimanjaro and post it on LinkedIn
    • for 5000€ (25000PLN): I will build a snowman on top of Kilimanjaro and name if after you and send you a photo and post it on Likedin :-)
    2500 merkit

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    Lue lisää
Lisää päivityksiä ja pidä tukijat ajan tasalla kampanjan edistymisestä.

Lisää päivityksiä ja pidä tukijat ajan tasalla kampanjan edistymisestä.
Tämä lisää varainhankintasi uskottavuutta ja lahjoittajien sitoutumista.


Donate Now and Be a Hero in the Fight Against Cancer

Hello, I'm Frank Metzel.

At the beginning of 2023, my 6-year-old twins fell ill with a rare disease. This turned my world upside down.

We faced bewildering mood swings, excruciating headaches, and uncontrollable rage attacks. For a time, we even feared it was brain cancer.

Those days of waiting for a diagnosis were agonizing. It wasn't cancer, but it was a wake-up call.

Thanks to cutting-edge science and dedicated doctors, my kids are on the path to recovery. Every day, I see the miracles that research can achieve.

After my father was diagnosed with a deadly cancer, he lived for another ten years. He joked about it with his doctor, who said, “Statistically, you are dead for long.” He survived so long mainly because of science and research and the best treatments available at that time (and the love and care of my mother for sure).

I'm now on a mission to give back and fuel the science that saves lives. That's why I'm taking on Kilimanjaro.

The Mission: 

By ascending Kilimanjaro with 20 other biotech enthusiasts, I'm raising crucial awareness for the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation, and at the same time, I am fulfilling a personal dream of climbing an iconic mountain.

We want to make a meaningful impact against cancer. We want to raise funds and elevate the profile of an organization that's leading the way in groundbreaking research.

The Objective:  

We aim to raise $1 million for the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation, an organization that has:

- Earned 13 Nobel Prizes.

- Developed groundbreaking cancer treatments.

- Supported young, innovative scientists.

The Challenge:  

I need to secure $10,000 by the end of November.  If I don't manage, I will be kicked out of the team. It's a challenging task, and I can't achieve it alone. That's where you come in.

My Personal Motivation to Take Part:

Doing Good: At the end of the day, it's about making a positive impact in the world.

Mental Escape: The fundraising and trip prep give me a break from daily worries about my kids' health.

For the Cause: Raising funds for cancer research is a challenge in itself, and I'm all about tackling challenges.

Dream Come True: Climbing an iconic mountain like Kilimanjaro has always been on my bucket list.


Your contribution is more than a donation; it's a lifeline. One in four people will confront cancer in their lifetime. Odds are, you or someone you love is at risk. By donating, you're investing in your own future health and that of your family.


Why It Matters:  

This is not just my mission; it's our collective fight. Together, we can reach the summit of Kilimanjaro and make strides in the battle against a disease that has taken so much from so many.

Are You Ready to Support the Mission?


P.S. Just so you know, I'm personally covering all the costs of the Kilimanjaro trip. Every dollar you donate goes directly to Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation, not to my travel expenses. Let's make every dollar count in the fight against cancer!

Kuvausta ei ole vielä tehty.

Kuvausta ei ole vielä tehty.


Lahjoitukset 4

elomate studio
0 €
Marian Lany
0 €
Piilotetut tiedot
Frank Metzel
0 €

Kommentit 1

2500 merkit
  • ES
    elomate studio

    elomate studio stands with you in your ascent up Kilimanjaro for this noble cause. May you reach new heights in this mission and know that our support and wishes are with you every step of the way.

    200 €