id: vgbeav

University fees

University fees

Mitä varten keräät tänään varoja?
*Määrä ilmaistuna euroina perustuu kaikkien valuuttojen painotettuun keskimääräiseen lahjoituskurssiin. Lisätietoja myös osoitteessa


I was born in the province of Balochistan in Pakistan. That is the most dangerous place in Pakistan. There is no scope of education, everyone just thinks how to survive. For a better environment and Education my father took our family to the Capital city Islamabad. Islamabad is a beautiful city and alot better in terms of education and environment. I completed my A-levels there and for the university i was really confused as the economical and political system of Pakistan got worse everyday. I have 5 other siblings and due to my hard work my father sold his land and sent me to Hungary for my studies for Bachelors. Hungary is very expensive if we compare it to Pakistan, so i can't pay my fee for the next year now. And the language barrier here stops me from working here as they require Hungarian almost everywhere. I have been always interested in MMA and Taekwondo, and have been training since 2020. I got my Taekwondo Red Belt in Pakistan and was very happy that i would be able to train and compete in MMA in Hungary, but little did i know that Hungary is a very expensive country, they take atleast 20000 HUF just for training 3-4 days a week in a month. Because of this i am not even able to train and persue my hobbies. My father has sold his land already and can't send me enough money to cover my fees and living essentials here and i would be Forced to go back to Pakistan and every effort of mine and my father will be wasted.

Kuvausta ei ole vielä tehty.

Kuvausta ei ole vielä tehty.



Kukaan ei ole vielä luonut rahalaatikkoa tälle varainkeräykselle. Sinun rahakirstusi voi olla ensimmäinen!


ei vielä lahjoituksia, ole ensimmäinen lahjoittaja!

Ei vielä lahjoituksia, ole ensimmäinen lahjoittaja!



2500 merkit
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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