Get out of depth, card closed.. Help
Get out of depth, card closed.. Help
Mitä varten keräät tänään varoja?
Hello, I've dug myself deep and I would like some help :(
Ive tried all kinds of apps and selling things but it's just not working. I had to quit my job because of anxiety and panic attacks, my hand also hurts sometimes so much that basic things are hard to do. Now I'm in depth so much and It's mentally breaking me up :(
I hope for the best and someone could help me soon ❤️
XX Keili 🌷
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Luo seurantalinkki, jotta näet, mikä vaikutus jakamallasi osuudella on tähän varainkeruuseen.
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Osta, tue, myy, lisää. Lue lisää
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