Getting rid of debt
Getting rid of debt
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Hi, I am Stjepan and come from Croatia. Curently I am unemployed and have a debt around 4500 euro. I've been blocked on my bank account for quite some time and would love to get rid of it and start over fresh. I do have a bussines idea but cannot do anything while I have this debt on my account. I would love to raise enought money to get rid of it and appreciate anyone who can help. Thank you very much.
Kuvausta ei ole vielä tehty.
Luo seurantalinkki, jotta näet, mikä vaikutus jakamallasi osuudella on tähän varainkeruuseen.
Luo seurantalinkki, jotta näet, mikä vaikutus jakamallasi osuudella on tähän varainkeruuseen.