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For new home and new begining
For new home and new begining
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Moneybox kuvaus

Help Us Complete Our Home for Stability and Support

Our Story

My name is Izabela and I am mother of two (8yo and almost 1yo). Our journey to stability has been filled with challenges. Last September, we left Ireland after 6 years, with only one suitcase, leaving behind most of our belongings. We came back to Poland and now living with my parents. Despite my efforts, my ex-partner refuses to send our belongings back even though I've packed most of them before leaving country.

Our situation

We now live in Poland, relying solely on government payments 2x800 zl and 1000 zl until June, and my family's help and support. Three years ago i had a mental breakdown and my depression became as powerful as never before. That time I wasn't able to continue to work and had to spend savings for living and for my health. During this time, my partner supported me a lot and (as i believed) we created lovely happy family. After I felt well again we decided to have a baby. Unfortunately, he gave up on us during my pregnancy.

Currently, we've got an offer to rent an 80 m sq house very good price. It is just beside my parrnts. They provide crucial support, taking care of my children, driving us to appointments, big grocery shopping, therapy etc and offering the emotional support we all need. Both of my children very close with them and moving away from this place would be way too stressful for them, especially as my older son is being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and he has big problems with emotions and self confidence. We also cannot change his school from the same reason. Additionally, my brother lives nearby, and our children are very close, playing together every day. This close-knit family environment is essential for our well-being.

Unfortunately this house is unfinished. It has walls and windows but lacks essential amenities. To make it livable, we need to:

• Install floors

• Set up the kitchen (furniture, oven, cooker, fridge, sink etc)

• Paint walls and ceilings

• Finish stairs with a railing and floor/carpet

• Furnish the house (hopefully mostly 2nd hand)

• Complete the bathroom (bathtub, toilet, sink, washing machine, walls and floor)

• Install 4 interior doors

To accomplish this, we are aiming to raise €2,000. With the help of my family and by purchasing the most affordable materials, we hope this amount will be sufficient to make our new home livable.

Your contribution will directly impact our ability to create a safe, supportive environment for my children and me. It will allow us to remain close to my parents and family ensuring we continue to receive the necessary help and emotional support. Stability is especially crucial for my older son, who thrives with the current routine and proximity to his grandmother and cousins.

How You Can Help

• Donate: Any amount, big or small, will bring us closer to our goal.

• Share: Please share our story with your friends and family on social media to help us reach more people.

• Support: Moral support and words of encouragement mean the world to us during this time.

Ei vielä lahjoituksia, ole ensimmäinen lahjoittaja!
0 €
moneyboxin kautta kerätyt varat
Lahjoita rahalaatikko
Tämä rahakirstu osallistuu varainkeruun loppusummaan:

Zrzutka.pl Sp. z o.o. al. Karkonoska 59, 53-015 Wrocław, Polska. ALV-numero: 8992796896, KRS: 0000634168. Osakepääoma: 550 000 PLN. Puolan finanssivalvontaviranomaisen (UKNF) Euroopan unionissa toimiluvan saanut maksupalvelujen tarjoaja. Lue lisää
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