id: mfh7er

Fuel My Dream: Please Support My Journey to Pursue a Streamer Gaming Career

Fuel My Dream: Please Support My Journey to Pursue a Streamer Gaming Career


Fuel My Dream: Support My Journey to Pursue a Streamer Gaming Career

Dear Gamers and Gaming Community,

I am reaching out to you with a passionate plea for assistance in pursuing my dream career as a professional streamer. Gaming has always been my passion, my escape, and my creative outlet. Now, I am ready to take the leap and turn this passion into a fulfilling career.

However, the path to becoming a successful streamer comes with its challenges, especially when it comes to acquiring the necessary equipment, software, and resources to stand out in this competitive field. That's where I need your help.

By contributing to this fundraiser, you'll be investing in more than just a dream; you'll be investing in potential, creativity, and the power of gaming to bring people together. Your support will enable me to upgrade my setup, enhance the quality of my content, and ultimately reach a wider audience.

Together, we can turn this dream into a reality. Whether you're a fellow gamer, a supporter of the arts, or simply someone who believes in the power of chasing one's dreams, your donation will make a difference.

Thank you for considering supporting me on this journey. With your help, I can't wait to share my passion for gaming with the world and inspire others to pursue their own dreams.

Let's level up together!



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Kuvausta ei ole vielä tehty.

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Järjestäjä saa 100 % varoistasi - emme veloita mitään maksua.
Sinulla säilyy täysi määräysvalta - voit lopettaa tuen milloin tahansa ilman velvoitteita.
Järjestäjä voi keskittyä täysin työhönsä
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Lataa mobiilisovellus ja kerää varoja tavoitteesi saavuttamiseksi missä tahansa oletkin!


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