Unfortunately Conor phone was damaged in doon Astro and he doesnt have the funds to repair it as he is in college we ask as conors friends for a small donation to help with the suituation
Unfortunately Conor phone was damaged in doon Astro and he doesnt have the funds to repair it as he is in college we ask as conors friends for a small donation to help with the suituation
Mitä varten keräät tänään varoja?
Hello, Conor unfortunately damaged his phone in the astro and cannot afford to repair it as he is a student in college we ask for any donations to help him with this matter!

Kuvausta ei ole vielä tehty.
Luo seurantalinkki, jotta näet, mikä vaikutus jakamallasi osuudella on tähän varainkeruuseen. Lue lisää.
Luo seurantalinkki, jotta näet, mikä vaikutus jakamallasi osuudella on tähän varainkeruuseen. Lue lisää.