id: kthed4

Help Nano fulfil his potential in tennis

Help Nano fulfil his potential in tennis


Dear friends of tennis and supporters of the sport,

We would like to present you an exceptional opportunity to support the development of a promising young talent in the world of tennis. The Bulgarian aspiring athlete, Anas Mazdrashki, has shown incredible potential and dedication to the game, but needs your help to reach his full potential.

Anas started playing tennis from a very young age. Since then, he has continuously improved his skills and along with that has won numerous competitions at national and international level. His goal and dream is to climb to the top of world tennis and we believe that with your support this is possible and achievable.

Your generosity will help defray the costs of training, equipment and tournament participation that are essential to Anas' continued growth and success. In addition, the funds will be used to hire experienced professionals who can further improve the level of play of Anas.

By supporting Anas, you are not only investing in an exceptional future, but you are also inspiring other young athletes to pursue their dreams. Your donations will provide motivation and hope to Anas Mazdraski, allowing him to focus on what he does best - playing tennis!

As a token of our gratitude, we promise to provide regular updates on appearances and achievements. Together we can create a success story that resonates beyond the confines of the court. Join us in supporting Anas, or as those close to him call him "Nano," on his journey to the pinnacles of matchmaking tennis. Your donation today will change this young champion's tomorrow.

Thank you for considering this request! 

Best Wishes,

Tennis club Velto

Kuvausta ei ole vielä tehty.

Kuvausta ei ole vielä tehty.

Toistuvien lahjoitusten edut:
Järjestäjä saa 100 % varoistasi - emme veloita mitään maksua.
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Se on helpompaa kuin luuletkaan :)

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Ei vielä lahjoituksia, ole ensimmäinen lahjoittaja!



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