Let's save Czesie from Glaucoma
Let's save Czesie from Glaucoma
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Hello, Czesława came to us two years ago, taken up for adoption, Czesia is a wonderful, beloved companion.
She had an appointment with the veterinarian because she has a bit of a crooked bite and the doctor wanted to see it and advise what we can do about it, unfortunately the bite is secondary because it turned out that the doctor did not like the look of Czesia eyes and unfortunately it did not cut off her legs like he said that he suspected glaucoma, which was confirmed by later tests. There is hope that it will be possible to save the eyesight, or rather the sick eye. Therefore, I am asking you for any support and help. Thank you.

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Luo seurantalinkki, jotta näet, mikä vaikutus jakamallasi osuudella on tähän varainkeruuseen. Lue lisää.
Luo seurantalinkki, jotta näet, mikä vaikutus jakamallasi osuudella on tähän varainkeruuseen. Lue lisää.