Pay University Tuition
Pay University Tuition
Mitä varten keräät tänään varoja?
My name is Natallie and I am attending university in Madrid, majoring in International Relations. I am from the United States and I am a first-generation university student. Unfortunately, my Mom has had to raise three kids alone and cannot help me pay my university tuition. I was able to secure some scholarships, but there are still several thousand left to pay for next semester. I don't usually like asking for help but if there is anyone who happens to have a surplus of money and can help me pursue my dream of finishing university I would be very grateful.

Kuvausta ei ole vielä tehty.
Luo seurantalinkki, jotta näet, mikä vaikutus jakamallasi osuudella on tähän varainkeruuseen. Lue lisää.
Luo seurantalinkki, jotta näet, mikä vaikutus jakamallasi osuudella on tähän varainkeruuseen. Lue lisää.