id: gzyyyt

Medical examinations for our first child

Medical examinations for our first child

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*Määrä ilmaistuna euroina perustuu kaikkien valuuttojen painotettuun keskimääräiseen lahjoituskurssiin. Lisätietoja myös osoitteessa


My wife (34) and I (32) are trying to have our first child.

She has been pregnant twice, both times at the end of the 8th week, missed ab. was the diagnosis, both cases required surgical termination; no embryo was seen in the oocytes, and pregnancy was not completed naturally.

At the moment we are quite desperate and feel our whole situation is hopeless...

In Hungary, the state-subsidised lombic programme can take years, there are no enough suitable specialists, and it is all done in an assembly line in 2(!!!) institutions throughout the country.

They don't do a full examination, they just implant the things, and what will be will be. While by identifying the problem, further miscarriages and psychological traumas could be prevented.

However, any complex examination is at cost price and is NOT subsidised by the Hungarian state. If they do some simple test, we will have to wait months for an appointment and we will run out of time.

We are forced to solve these problems ourselves, but we have to pay unrealistically high sums for this, which is not even enough for the average wage that the government claims.

A lot of people go from here to the Czech Republic for these examinations because of the conditions and the possibilities, but we are talking about thousands of euros there too.

We have some minimal savings, but we can't finance all the necessary tests that are needed to identify the main problem, and we probably won't be able to...

We wanted two children, but we would be very happy with one :(

I found this site by accident, but took it as a sign from God.

We are very grateful for any support ♥

Kuvausta ei ole vielä tehty.

Kuvausta ei ole vielä tehty.

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