id: gd6ftp

To start living

To start living

Mitä varten keräät tänään varoja?
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*Määrä ilmaistuna euroina perustuu kaikkien valuuttojen painotettuun keskimääräiseen lahjoituskurssiin. Lisätietoja myös osoitteessa


Growing up, we were quite poor. We went to school in the same clothes, in the same shoes. When I turned 18, my mother took out quick loans in my name, promising to pay them back. I agreed to do it as a good thing, but so far she has not paid even a cent. Just take more and more from us. Now we have the opportunity to finally get away from this toxic environment with my husband and child, but the apartment we are going to rent needs to be repaired, but we cannot afford it. Please help with a little bit so that we can have a better life.

Kuvausta ei ole vielä tehty.

Kuvausta ei ole vielä tehty.


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Lataa mobiilisovellus ja kerää varoja tavoitteesi saavuttamiseksi missä tahansa oletkin!


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Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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