id: bpu98d

Single father with 3 Kids ( 7, 5 and almost 3 years old) trying to get back on his feet, giving those Kids what the deserve. A normal life. Every penny, every euro counts

Single father with 3 Kids ( 7, 5 and almost 3 years old) trying to get back on his feet, giving those Kids what the deserve. A normal life. Every penny, every euro counts

Käyttäjämme loivat 1 M rahankeräyksiä
ja keräsivät € 340 M*

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*Määrä ilmaistuna euroina perustuu kaikkien valuuttojen painotettuun keskimääräiseen lahjoituskurssiin. Lisätietoja myös osoitteessa


I am a single father with three children Who are struggling after a bad divorce. Former wife kicked us out of the house (it belongs to her parents) with bassically nothing but our clothes. She take the children every other weekend or so, doesn't pay any alimony or nothing because the divorce isn't final yet due to her complications on the court.

We have found a New apartement but it is pretty much empty without any furniture ( I made basics such as beds, cabinets etc. myself from used wood). Children are growing up fast so they are in need of New clothing, shoes. There are days when we struggle to get even good. My parents are helping as much as they can but with their pensions, it is difficult. Would sure like to see a sparkle in their eyes when we can afford some vacation after 2 years or even An icecream without calculating for every cent or euro for neccesities.

Kuvausta ei ole vielä tehty.

Kuvausta ei ole vielä tehty.


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