id: w3v2tk

For recovering from one particular fraud

For recovering from one particular fraud

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*Eurodes väljendatud summa, mis põhineb kõigis valuutades tehtud annetuste kaalutud keskmisel kursil. Lisateabe saamiseks külastage ka veebilehte


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    2500 tähemärgid

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Lisage uuendusi ja hoidke toetajaid kursis kampaania edenemisega.

Lisage uuendusi ja hoidke toetajaid kursis kampaania edenemisega.
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A woman from Thailand named Teo Lay Lim on facebook pretends to be a banker. She wrote me on messenger a story about the man having the same surname as me who had died during the collision of buses in 2015. (I checked the google on my own to see if there was such an accident. The story about the accident is true). During the accident died my possible relative who had invested in Bangkok Bank in 2008 almost 5 million dollars. Because he had no other relatives, I was the rightful person to receive the full inheritance. She wants to split it 50/50. After some time, I started getting emails from 3 different gmail accounts: [email protected] (the character who contacted me and invented the whole story), [email protected] (the bank which approved my inheritance, but requested my personal info, passport, phone number and address which I provided) and [email protected] (a person who pretends to be the lawyer requesting to transfer money for his presentation on my behalf and for doing all the paperwork). He requested 2250$, but I transfered less (I did it on 2024 07 15) and I have the receipt where my payment and the fraudster's info can be seen. I know that he has already taken my money because I got the message on my phone from Western Union about the successful transaction. When I was home, I started having my doubts. Now I know they provide you fake passport photos, fake death sertificate photos and fake deposit volchers. Then I became 100% sure it was a scam. The money I lost was so important to me! I reported the scam, but no answer from anyone.  If you can help me to raise the lost money, I will be very very grateful!

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Kirjeldust veel ei ole.

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2500 tähemärgid
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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