id: sp7zbj

Help build a motocross track and participate in the purchase of machines for the maintenance of a children's track in Croatia

Help build a motocross track and participate in the purchase of machines for the maintenance of a children's track in Croatia

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*Eurodes väljendatud summa, mis põhineb kõigis valuutades tehtud annetuste kaalutud keskmisel kursil. Lisateabe saamiseks külastage ka veebilehte


We are a young couple with two children, we live in Croatia. Our goal and desire has always been to bring motocross back to the region where we live.this is our link from the facebook page . For 10 years, we have been trying to make it possible for everyone to train and hang out in nature. We want to make a trail for the youngest to bring them back to nature and teach them how to live in harmony with it.

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Lae alla mobiilirakendus ja tee annetusi oma eesmärgi saavutamiseks, kus iganes sa ka poleks!


2500 tähemärgid
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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