id: s2w3b3

Emergency flood victims

Emergency flood victims

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*Eurodes väljendatud summa, mis põhineb kõigis valuutades tehtud annetuste kaalutud keskmisel kursil. Lisateabe saamiseks külastage ka veebilehte


Hello dear donation community, I am reaching out to you because something has happened to my family that no one can imagine. It is among the flood victims in Greece (Palamas-Karditsa). The dam broke overnight. The masses of water literally swallowed my parents' village. The goal is to avoid the donations collected to build a residence for the house of the grandmother and grandfather who fell. It's really unimaginable until it hits you. We would be happy for any small donation. with deep gratitude,

Kirjeldust veel ei ole.

Kirjeldust veel ei ole.


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2500 tähemärgid
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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