id: rnkked

Food Supply for Palestine

Food Supply for Palestine

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*Eurodes väljendatud summa, mis põhineb kõigis valuutades tehtud annetuste kaalutud keskmisel kursil. Lisateabe saamiseks külastage ka veebilehte


"Raising a fund of $100,000 for our friends in Palestine, who are facing tough times, your support will make it possible for us to distribute essential supplies. This practical assistance is a powerful way to show solidarity and care during difficult times.

Your generosity will directly contribute to delivering crucial items like food and water supplies to those who need them most. Join us in this effort to share compassion and make a meaningful difference in the lives of the people in Palestine. Your contribution is a heartfelt expression of solidarity, bringing comfort and hope to those going through challenging times."

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2500 tähemärgid
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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