I would like to learn
I would like to learn
Mille jaoks te täna raha kogute?
For me, learning has always been a source of self-improvement and fulfillment, but currently, financial constraints hinder my ability to pursue further education. I don't have a job, and I lack the financial means to support myself. In this challenging situation, fundraising has become my only tool to overcome these obstacles and continue my studies. With your general support, I can not only enrich myself but also contribute valuable knowledge to my community in the long run. I would be grateful for any assistance, and I promise to diligently use the donations to achieve my learning and development goals. Thank you for your help!

Kirjeldust veel ei ole.
Looge jälgimislink, et näha, milline on teie osa mõju sellele annetuskampaaniale. Lisateave.
Looge jälgimislink, et näha, milline on teie osa mõju sellele annetuskampaaniale. Lisateave.