Off Road Land Cruiser
Off Road Land Cruiser
Mille jaoks te täna raha kogute?
With this money, I will buy a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 120 in Spain, and will modify it very similarly to the picture to take it off-roading and create content with it.
The cost for the Toyota is aprox. 15.000€ (so 16.500$ aprox), plus aprox. 5-8.000€ for the mods. There is an extra to be raised for tax purposes, something which is not of my liking :(

Kirjeldust veel ei ole.
Looge jälgimislink, et näha, milline on teie osa mõju sellele annetuskampaaniale. Lisateave.
Looge jälgimislink, et näha, milline on teie osa mõju sellele annetuskampaaniale. Lisateave.