Kodin menetys ja uusi alku / Home loss and a new beginning
Kodin menetys ja uusi alku / Home loss and a new beginning
Mille jaoks te täna raha kogute?
The home suffered major water damage. We had to leave home and most of the things we had to leave. We desperately need help to get a new start together.
The help helps us to get our family back under the same roof when we find a new home that is dry and warm.

Kirjeldust veel ei ole.
Looge jälgimislink, et näha, milline on teie osa mõju sellele annetuskampaaniale. Lisateave.
Looge jälgimislink, et näha, milline on teie osa mõju sellele annetuskampaaniale. Lisateave.