Please help my daughter heal!
Please help my daughter heal!
Mille jaoks te täna raha kogute?
Please help my daughter recover!
My child is a 10-year-old girl.
She has been diagnosed with type A HUS.
She undergoes dialysis 3 times a week for 4 hours each session.
Her kidneys have failed. Doctors are searching for the cause but haven't found it yet. The treatment costs a lot of money.
We have to travel 240 km 6 times a week, which requires expensive fuel.
The medication she needs is Solaris (eculizumab), costing $1900 per weekly dose. Financially, we are struggling greatly.
We have sold everything, but she must live! Please help us!

Kirjeldust veel ei ole.
Looge jälgimislink, et näha, milline on teie osa mõju sellele annetuskampaaniale. Lisateave.
Looge jälgimislink, et näha, milline on teie osa mõju sellele annetuskampaaniale. Lisateave.
Osta, toeta, müü, lisa.
Osta, toeta, müü, lisa. Loe edasi
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