id: ajcp3b

To buy my own apartment(home)

To buy my own apartment(home)

Mitteaktiivsed annetused - nõutav tegevus annetuste kogumise korraldaja poolt. Kui olete Korraldaja - logige sisse ja tehke vajalikud toimingud.
Sellel rahakogumisüritusel ei ole rahakasti
Lisage rahakassa rahakogumisse

Mille jaoks te täna raha kogute?
*Eurodes väljendatud summa, mis põhineb kõigis valuutades tehtud annetuste kaalutud keskmisel kursil. Lisateabe saamiseks külastage ka veebilehte


Bogdan's Journey to a Place Called Home

Hello, I'm Bogdan, and I have a dream - a dream of having a place to call my own, a place I can truly call home. The purpose of my fundraiser is simple yet profound: to raise the funds necessary for me to finally have my own apartment. This means the world to me because, as of now, I don't have the financial means to make this dream a reality.

The importance of this fundraiser goes beyond the bricks and mortar of a home. It signifies stability, security, and a fresh start. It's about building a foundation for a better future and the freedom to create the life I've always envisioned. Your support will be a significant step towards achieving this dream.

When I see donations pouring in for this fundraiser, I'll be filled with immense gratitude. It will not only bring me closer to my dream of having a home but also inspire hope in my heart. I believe in the power of paying it forward, and if this works, I hope to give back to others in need someday, just as I've received support here.

Join me in this journey towards creating a place where I can build memories, find comfort, and live my life to the fullest. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will be a crucial part of this incredible journey. Thank you for considering supporting my dream of having a home to call my own.

Kirjeldust veel ei ole.

Kirjeldust veel ei ole.



Lisa moneybox

Keegi ei ole veel selle rahakogumisürituse jaoks rahakasti loonud. Teie rahakast võib olla esimene!


ei ole veel annetusi, ole esimene, kes annetab!

Ei ole veel annetusi, ole esimene, kes annetab!

Mitteaktiivsed annetused - nõutav rahakogumise korraldaja tegevus. Kui olete Korraldaja - logige sisse ja võtke vajalikud meetmed.


2500 tähemärgid
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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