id: 92uhua

rebuild home

rebuild home

Meie kasutajad lõid 1 M rahakogumisüritusi
ja kogusid € 322 M*

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*Eurodes väljendatud summa, mis põhineb kõigis valuutades tehtud annetuste kaalutud keskmisel kursil. Lisateabe saamiseks külastage ka veebilehte


In the aftermath of the devastating Israeli war on Gaza that occurred on October 7th, 2023, my uncle's residence became a casualty of relentless Israeli airstrikes on October 25th. The once lively and cherished space, brimming with memories of joyous family gatherings, was swiftly reduced to rubble. This tragic event rendered my uncle and his family homeless and shattered their sense of security.

My uncle, a diligent and compassionate individual, had painstakingly erected his home over the years through hard work and unwavering dedication. It served as an abode where love thrived and aspirations took root. However, the horrors of war descended upon their lives unexpectedly, leaving behind only haunting recollections of a once-proud establishment.

The devastation inflicted by conflict not only robs one of physical shelter but also strips away their sense of belonging and stability. The trauma and emotional toll suffered by my uncle and his family are immeasurable. Nevertheless, their resilience and fortitude remain steadfast.

With the support of our community, our objective is to reconstruct this shattered home—a symbol of hope amid despair. Our aim is to provide my uncle and his family with a secure sanctuary once more, enabling them to rebuild their lives and recover from the scars of war.

Your contribution will directly aid the reconstruction endeavors, facilitating the restoration of demolished walls, repair of the fractured foundation, and the reinstatement of normalcy in their lives. Every donation, regardless of its size, will have an impact and propel us closer to our objective of refurbishing their home and affording them a fresh beginning.

We acknowledge that the wounds inflicted by conflict are not solely physical but deeply emotional and psychological. Your generosity will not only reconstruct a dwelling but also assist in rebuilding shattered lives, instilling hope for a brighter future.

Let's unite as a compassionate community and display solidarity in the face of adversity. Your support will not only rebuild a home but also rejuvenate the spirits of a family in desperate need of hope and stability. Your kindness will serve as a guiding light in their darkest hour.

Thank you for your consideration and support of our cause. Together, we possess the ability to make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by the devastations of war, helping them reconstruct their dreams, brick by brick.

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