id: 8dzh8v

Introducing Plus Easy: Empowering You to Earn Doing What You Love

Introducing Plus Easy: Empowering You to Earn Doing What You Love

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*Eurodes väljendatud summa, mis põhineb kõigis valuutades tehtud annetuste kaalutud keskmisel kursil. Lisateabe saamiseks külastage ka veebilehte


  • Hi everyone, my name is Gerald and I'm creating a dedicated platform for freelancers who can sell their services both online and at home. Unfortunately I'm realizing that step by step the expenses are getting higher and higher between paying the developers who are creating it and creating appropriate marketing campaigns. So, if possible, I would like to ask you if you can help me in any way since it is a very ambitious project that will be projected on a long scale in all the countries of the world, starting from Italy.

    2500 tähemärgid

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Lisage uuendusi ja hoidke toetajaid kursis kampaania edenemisega.

Lisage uuendusi ja hoidke toetajaid kursis kampaania edenemisega.
See suurendab teie rahakogumise usaldusväärsust ja annetajate kaasamist.


After the tumultuous times brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, I had a vision to revolutionize how services are delivered and accessed in Italy. The rise of online delivery platforms and services has been remarkable, offering the convenience of ordering from the comfort of your home. Yet, I couldn't help but notice a gap in the market – a lack of comprehensive platforms that offer a 360-degree experience when it comes to purchasing services.

In Italy, many people are facing financial pressures, struggling to make ends meet. That's why I created Plus Easy, a platform that empowers individuals to find a second or primary source of income by offering services they are passionate about or specialized in. Whether you're an electrician, web designer, visual merchandiser, or possess any unique skill, Plus Easy allows you to register and offer your services both online and in-person, all while setting your preferred working hours. It's a chance to earn extra income doing what you love or excel in.

Plus Easy is not just about giving individuals a new income stream; it's also about making life easier for customers. On our platform (with an app coming soon), you can find and book an extensive array of services, all in one place. With our app, you can track everything effortlessly and even review freelancers based on their previous work, ensuring peace of mind. Rest assured, all our freelancers undergo thorough checks before joining our platform, ensuring transparency and trust.

We envision Plus Easy as the go-to platform for freelance services in Italy, with plans to expand across Europe and eventually reach the United States. While the platform is currently under construction, we are working diligently to create a lightning-fast, responsive, user-friendly experience. However, to bring this vision to life, we need your support.

Your contributions will be instrumental in establishing our legal framework, obtaining a VAT number, and initiating marketing campaigns. These campaigns will help us onboard freelancers and attract clients, kickstarting our journey towards reshaping the service industry.

Join us in making Plus Easy a reality, and let's create a brighter, more flexible future for both service providers and customers. Together, we can transform the way services are delivered and accessed, not only in Italy but worldwide.

Support Plus Easy today and be a part of this game-changing movement.

Thank you for your time reading this❤️

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Kommentaarid 1

2500 tähemärgid
    Anonüümne kasutaja

    Great project man 🔝🔝

    15 €