Rahakassa loodud annetuste kogumiseks DroneAid Collective Saksamaa - Ehita oma droon - töötoad Münchenis.

21 KM for 21 DRONES – Run a Half-Marathon for DroneAid

21 KM for 21 DRONES – Run a Half-Marathon for DroneAid

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DroneAid Collective Germany - Build Your Drone - Workshops in Munich.

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Moneybox kirjeldus

On October 13th I am running at the Munich Half-Marathon my 21 kilometres.

Us at DroneAid have a tradition – the more you run, the more you fundraise 😎

Therefore, I am starting a new moneybox – 21KM for 21 DRONES.

Join DroneAid with your donation today!

Let's raise, let's run, let's build – let's win for Ukraine.

Kirjeldust veel ei ole.

Kirjeldust veel ei ole.

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Lae alla 4fund.com mobiilirakendus ja tee annetusi oma eesmärgi saavutamiseks, kus iganes sa ka poleks!