id: 82x735

Fundraiser for going to London to meet and help my homeless son

Fundraiser for going to London to meet and help my homeless son

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I have to fly to London from Poland for at least several days, because my 25-year-old son Maciek needs help. He is homeless, in difficult situation. The trouble started when there was a COVID pandemic, he was then severely ill and lost his job. He was also beaten-up and robbed. At the moment he doesn’t have basic things, any documents or a phone. I want to bring him warm clothes, shoes, medicines, cosmetics and food. And I would like to take him home, to Poland. Unfortunately I can’t afford the cost of this journey, accommodation etc. I am unemployed, because I have to take care of my little daughter, so I’m short of money. I am alone with this problem and I have no support. I really want to make an attempt to find and help him. I imagine our meeting: I give my son clean and warm clothes, a jacket, a scarf, gloves… and a ticket to go home. I imagine taking him out of this hell of homelessness and him coming with me to a warm place to eat, have a cup of tea, and we talk about how it’s going to be okay now. I believe this fundraiser will be successful and we will save my son. If you can, make a donation!Lajbq8pm8D11b4kJ.jpg


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2500 tähemärgid
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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