id: 74d9xw

Membership Fundraiser for Speechless Reconciliation

Membership Fundraiser for Speechless Reconciliation


Introducing our latest initiative: the 'Bridges of Hope' Fundraiser! At Speechless Reconciliation, we believe in breaking down barriers and building bridges for young individuals in need. With the 'Bridges of Hope' fundraiser, we're inviting our community to join us in creating pathways to brighter futures. Every donation received will go directly towards supporting our mission of providing safe and supportive environments for young people from homes without proper parental care to learn and grow. Whether you choose to make a one-time contribution or become a monthly donor, your generosity will empower us to continue making positive impacts in the lives of those we serve. Together, let's build bridges of hope and create a world where every young person has the opportunity to thrive.

Kirjeldust veel ei ole.

Kirjeldust veel ei ole.

Korduvate annetuste eelised:
Korraldaja saab 100% teie rahalistest vahenditest - me ei võta mingit tasu.
Teil jääb täielik kontroll - võite igal ajal lõpetada toetuse saamise ilma igasuguste kohustusteta.
Korraldaja saab täielikult keskenduda oma tööle
Saate püsiva juurdepääsu ametikohtadele ja erilise eristuse
Te ei pea mäletama järgmisi makseid
See on lihtsam, kui te arvate :)



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Ei ole veel annetusi, ole esimene, kes annetab!



2500 tähemärgid
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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