id: 6jpc85

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*Eurodes väljendatud summa, mis põhineb kõigis valuutades tehtud annetuste kaalutud keskmisel kursil. Lisateabe saamiseks külastage ka veebilehte

Tõlgi rahastaja keelde 

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Tõlgi rahastaja keelde 

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I am a single mother with 6 children 3 child is mine and the three children are my sister's. My sister is an alcoholic, which is why her children are with me most of the time. My own two children have severe disabilities. One has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the other has epilepsy. With the difficulties of life, I have got into big debts and I don't have my own home. We have moved with our children about 30 times in 10 years, which significantly damages the recovery of my son and daughter. The children and I have no way to feel at home. It is difficult to get a job because I am raising severely disabled children.

I would like to have my own home where I could create an opportunity to work for myself. The dream is to become a saddler. This is a job that can be done on your own, in home conditions. In this regard, I would like to buy a house in a small village, which would be a safe/peaceful place for the children and me. Maybe it will be possible to fulfill our dream, to have our own home where we can establish our roots. To unpack and enjoy time with the children. Thanks in advance, worried mom

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