id: 6ce2ur

A better life for my daughter

A better life for my daughter


Hello everyone and thank you for paying attention to my fundraiser, my name is Tranca Marius Vasile, I'm 27 years old and I'm a single father with a 4-year-old girl, I work at a fast-food restaurant in my city from where I support my family and daily needs, I don't want you to misunderstand me, my life is a dream together with my daughter, but the financial situation does not allow me to lead a healthy life with my daughter, besides the beautiful moments we also have many shortcomings that I am not yet able to exceed, as you know, being healthy means eating healthy, but healthy food and personal care are more expensive than I can afford, if I had extra help I could cover the holes that have accumulated over time, thank you anticipated for help.
Kirjeldust veel ei ole.

Kirjeldust veel ei ole.

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Korraldaja saab 100% teie rahalistest vahenditest - me ei võta mingit tasu.
Teil jääb täielik kontroll - võite igal ajal lõpetada toetuse saamise ilma igasuguste kohustusteta.
Korraldaja saab täielikult keskenduda oma tööle
Saate püsiva juurdepääsu ametikohtadele ja erilise eristuse
Te ei pea mäletama järgmisi makseid
See on lihtsam, kui te arvate :)


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2500 tähemärgid
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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