id: 5xkgjb

Helping my illed Niece with Kidney Failure Stage II

Helping my illed Niece with Kidney Failure Stage II


  • Biopsy was done on 23.12.23. Last year she was on steroids for some months but they didn’t show any changes in the results, later came the results from Biopsy showing that she has Nephrotic Syndrome- Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis with a Genetic Mutation and it means the Medicines will not help her anymore , so there is no hope anymore for her to go into remission and she will go into complete kidney failure roughly in a time about 2-3 years and a kidney transplant will be needed, but because its a genetic mutation there is a big chance that the disease will return if that will be the case she will be transferred to dialysis for the rest of her life.

    2500 tähemärgid

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Hello everyone iam Nabila Raza. Iam here to help my beautiful Niece who’s been suffering from CNS - Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome with stage 2 Kidney Failure. Describing in words is hard how painful it is when your beloved one is suffering and you can do nothing and hoping that maybe a Miracle will happen. My Sister is a single mother of three beautiful children . Due to her ill daughter shes not being able to do a full time job anymore and is going through financial difficulties. So i decided to help her with some money to get her through the financial difficulties and let her have some quality time with her daughter and to be able to do all the hospital visits. I know nowadays everyone is struggling with life , everyone has a tough time but maybe my little help can a little comfort her😢. I really pray that no one goes through with such a hard time with loved ones. I Wish everyone a healthy life and i would be really grateful if anyone could help my Sister in her financial difficulties.

Thank you so much!

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2500 tähemärgid
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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