id: znhbn2

DCS World: Mitsubishi F-2A Support Fighter

DCS World: Mitsubishi F-2A Support Fighter

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This project was created by a group that set itself the goal of bringing the land of the rising sun to DCS World.

For over 2 years we have been negotiating and collecting documents from both governments and external sources to acquire this machine.

Current progress has been to obtain a flight manual for the F-2A from the Japanese government in 2026/8

Since we will wait for this, we decided to create a model of the cockpit and fuselage of the aircraft with F-16C avionics, which will be used for testing the model until we receive the necessary information for our main goal.

And that is to bring the Mitsubishi F-2A Support Fighter or also known as the Viper Zero to our favorite simulator.

Resources will be spent on developing and paying our 3D artist.

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2500 Zeichen
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