id: yktgrg

Luna’s heart disease treatment ❤️‍🩹

Luna’s heart disease treatment ❤️‍🩹

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*Betrag ausgedrückt in Euro auf der Grundlage des gewichteten Durchschnittskurses der Spenden in allen Währungen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auch unter


Luna is a 6 year old female chihuaua who has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. It is a terminal heart disease which builds up fluid in the chest and triggers coughing, heavy breathing, tiredness, weakness, weight loss, and reduced apetite. It is so harsh that I can barely recognize her recently…Due to Luna being in the mid-stage, she has a life expectancy of a few months until she will fade out of this world. She needs a surgery + treatment to enable her to live a healthy and active life just as she did before…I am a 20 year old law student with a part time job that pays me 500 euro a month, and I also receive a bit of money from my family as well but the whole sum combined is barely enough for me to get by as rent is about half of it. I have no external support for Luna so this fundraiser is the last frontier for her. Thank you and God bless! ❤️‍🩹

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2500 Zeichen
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