id: yf7p2h

To build a wooden-house, and 3 litle bungalows in Tarcau Mountains ( i have the 3000 mp garden in beautiful spot in this mountains). thank you

To build a wooden-house, and 3 litle bungalows in Tarcau Mountains ( i have the 3000 mp garden in beautiful spot in this mountains). thank you

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Hi, this project is about creating a cozy spot in Tarcau Mountains, Neamt County, Romania. i want to build one wooden house and 3 litle cabins with wood-trees, rustic as posible, to acomodate some guests maybe you, if you have a programmed free time , and you want to see this mountains, and this area - Neamt County. Thank you

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2500 Zeichen
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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