id: vp4sye

Családi házra

Családi házra

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We live with my mother-in-law, with whom our relationship has deteriorated significantly, and we need to move out soon.

We have nowhere to go and no money to buy a house.

Additionally, we are raising a sick child, our 4-year-old daughter, who has a renal developmental disorder, causing her to be unable to urinate spontaneously.

The child needs to be catheterized every 2 hours, which means I, the mother, cannot return to work, leaving the father as the sole provider for the family.

We would like to buy a family house where we could live peacefully.

We want to raise the required down payment to be able to start the loan application process as soon as possible.

We are very grateful for any contribution you can make to help us provide a calm environment for our daughter's upbringing. 🙏

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2500 Zeichen
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