Wall art for Yougsters
Wall art for Yougsters
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We have started our work with first flat which will provide temporary lodgings for youngsters.
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Hi, my name is Viesturs Holenders. In my hometown and in the Baltic graffiti and spray art scene, I am known as Holis. The history of aerosols for me began a long time ago. Playing around with colors, exploring shapes and creating new forms. While finding creative ways I have developed a wide diversity of styles and techniques, worked with various projects. In my portfolio different sort of works can be seen: paintings for the interior, murals, designs and decorations for festivals, film sets etc. I believe that art is for everyone. It should be accessible and become a part of the community. This fundraiser is made to improve my work with youngsters. One of my goals this year is cooperation with Organisation OPEN radošais centrs - they provide facilities and help for young people in problem situations. And I believe that colorful walls in these rooms can be a kind of therapeutic support. Let's make life more colorful together!
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