id: v3yd9n

Help with the bills

Help with the bills

Wofür werden sie heute spenden sammeln?
*Betrag ausgedrückt in Euro auf der Grundlage des gewichteten Durchschnittskurses der Spenden in allen Währungen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auch unter


I am a young mom of twins who found herself in a very difficult financial situation. My husband works 2 jobs so we can survive from month to month. We haven't payed our rent in 2 months and we will be kicked out very soon. This apartmant is too small for us all. My side of the family is dead and my husband has one sister, who has special needs. So we are on our own. I'm paying for college and taking care of my little boys.I wish i could do more to help my family but i'm lost.There are so many bills that I'm starting to lose my mind. We are in debt for 4,700€ and we can't find any solution. I wish i could go to work to help my husband but i can't leave college because i want to finish medical school.

I would appreciate so much if you could help us with the bills so we can start from the scratch and i can finally stop worrying about our debt. I would be so grateful for any help

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noch keine Spenden, spenden Sie als Erster!

Noch keine spenden, spenden sie als erster!

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