id: rv2dws

New Home for A Writer

New Home for A Writer

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3000 euros are the financial foundation that I need to make a good change in my life.

My name is Floriana Anca Vlaicu and I am a Romanian writer, living in my hometown by the Danube, Drobeta Turnu Severin.

On 12 February 2024 I have self published my first poetry book in English, called Activation. I am very proud of this accomplishment, as I persevered daily through challenges to keep my focus on writing and success in fulfilling this small, but satisfying dream.

I need your support to move from the situation I am in, a place that does not support my health and my progress in my work. 

I will use the funds to establish myself in a new home, creating a simple, harmonious environment that will nurture my wellbeing and my focus to create more beautiful books in the world.

It will give me the chance to complete my next 2 book projects that I am currently working on ' Poezii Roma' ( poetry in Romanian ) and 'Real' ( in English )

I believe in the power of my writing to heal and elevate the soul of the readers. 

I believe that You can help me establish myself. I hope.

Please consider me in your generosity.

May Grace touch your senses with Beauty and Bliss.

With gratitude,

Your Writer Friend, Anca Vlaicu

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2500 Zeichen
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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