
Ever dreamt of your voice echoing alongside the harmonies of Snowman? Here's your once-in-a-lifetime chance! Become a part of our musical tapestry by contributing your own backing vocals to a track on our next album. Step into the recording booth (virtually or in-studio), get guided by our team, and leave your indelible mark on progressive rock history. Not only will you receive a special mention in the album credits, but every time the track plays, you'll know there's a piece of you in it, resonating with fans worldwide. Join us in crafting a symphony where your voice becomes an integral note in Snowman's melodic journey. Just 1 slot available, ensuring this experience remains as exclusive as it is unforgettable!!

Handwritten Lyrics Sheet
Select your favorite Snowman song and receive a beautifully handwritten lyrics sheet, penned by Pedro Fernandes himself. A piece of art for your walls...
200 €
Electronics & Music • Music
Signed Discography Bundle
Dive deep into the heart of Snowman's musical journey with this exclusive discography bundle. Handpicked and carefully packaged, this set includes eve...
150 €
Unique meetings
Virtual Meet-and-Greet Session
Virtual session where donors get a chance to interact with members of Snowman. This is a Q and A, a storytelling session and an unplugged performance....
50 €

Derzeit gibt es keine weiteren Angebote zu dieser Aktion.

Voice of the Avalanche: Be a Part of Snowman's Next Album!

300 €



Ever dreamt of your voice echoing alongside the harmonies of Snowman? Here's your once-in-a-lifetime chance! Become a part of our musical tapestry by contributing your own backing vocals to a track on our next album. Step into the recording booth (virtually or in-studio), get guided by our team, and leave your indelible mark on progressive rock history. Not only will you receive a special mention in the album credits, but every time the track plays, you'll know there's a piece of you in it, resonating with fans worldwide. Join us in crafting a symphony where your voice becomes an integral note in Snowman's melodic journey. Just 1 slot available, ensuring this experience remains as exclusive as it is unforgettable!!

Zusätzliche Informationen


an, um dem Organisator eine Nachricht zu senden.


Persönliche Abholung

Handwritten Lyrics Sheet
Select your favorite Snowman song and receive a beautifully handwritten lyrics sheet, penned by Pedro Fernandes himself. A piece of art for your walls...
200 €
Electronics & Music • Music
Signed Discography Bundle
Dive deep into the heart of Snowman's musical journey with this exclusive discography bundle. Handpicked and carefully packaged, this set includes eve...
150 €
Unique meetings
Virtual Meet-and-Greet Session
Virtual session where donors get a chance to interact with members of Snowman. This is a Q and A, a storytelling session and an unplugged performance....
50 €

Derzeit gibt es keine weiteren Angebote zu dieser Aktion.