id: n6tb4k

Karting Career of a 15-year-old boy - It turned out that our son Michael has a great talent for racing, but we do not have enough funds to buy a kart. We are asking for any support, we will be extremely grateful.

Karting Career of a 15-year-old boy - It turned out that our son Michael has a great talent for racing, but we do not have enough funds to buy a kart. We are asking for any support, we will be extremely grateful.

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Our son Michael is a big fan of cars and motorsport, so we bought him a racing simulator, which he now spends several hours a day on and is getting better every day. We know he has great racing talent but we don't have nearly as much funding as we need for the 2024 karting season. We are asking for your support and will be forever grateful.

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