id: mc3pyx

New home

New home

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My dream is to have a home with two rooms(bedroom & living) and the kitchen to be separated from them. I started to save money for a bigger home, but in our country the salaries are small and because of the inflation everything got very expensive. In this situation, hardly, I can save maximum 100€/month without to save for urgency money.

My curent home where I live from 2012 is very small and the kitchen is in the bedroom. It's just 12 m2 and to live in such a small place it's depressing. Please, don't understand that I am not grateful for what I have, but my dream is to have a place where I can cook normally, where I have space for hobbies or practicing my new growing career.

In 2022 I started Bowen therapist studies and few months ago I got my diploma. I practice for free to got experience and help people but I am struggling with it because I don't have space for a massage table in my curent home.

I am not wishing for extra large home, but 35-40 m2 it will be enough

If you feel my dream, I will be grateful to the moon and back for your donation.

Thank you for your time and care.

Wish you the best!

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2500 Zeichen
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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