id: ktbycg

Pay it forward

Pay it forward

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I tried to live a Pay it forward kind of life, but no matter how you play it, doesn't happen the way you want or think it will be. I am at a point of my life, where i think everything i do, i will damage the people around me. I am mad on me that i am healthy, instead of people that are fighting with all kind of diseases and want to live . Also, i am in doubt if suicide is an act of courage or cowardice, and i am sure is a debate that will split a lot of groups. We are all living in a society that the person's life next to us is unimportant and worthless. What is the satisfaction of our leaders, who take advantage of people's poverty (mental and material).....the bad opinions have no point, by the end of the week I will or I will or not....sorry all for disappointing you and hope you all live your lives for you, not for someone else...:*

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