id: jzzww6

Rehabilitation, treatment and supplies for Hania Bojarska

Rehabilitation, treatment and supplies for Hania Bojarska

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Hania was born on 22.11.2019, from birth she was rehabilitated due to body asymmetry and increased muscle tone. From the beginning she did not develop properly, it took her more time and work to acquire more skills compared to her peers.

When she was 6 months old, she underwent a neurosurgical operation to insert a ventriculo-peritoneal valve system due to increasing intracranial pressure.

At the age of 2 she received a diagnosis: Cerebral Palsy in the form of left hemiplegia, or paralysis of the left side of the body.

Hania is intensively rehabilitated, uses the necessary rehabilitation and orthopedic supplies, and is under the care of specialists: rehabilitation doctor, orthopedist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, neurosurgeon. He attends hand therapy, hippotherapy, physiotherapy, sensory integration therapy, dog therapy, and uses supplies such as a theratogs suit, lower limb orthoses, and a thumb deferral orthosis.

Thanks to these, and the hard work of Hania and us-parents, Hania will be able to continue to fight for her fitness and future independence, and make the most of her abilities and potentials.

We will use all contributions from the collection for Hania's treatment, rehabilitation and supplies for the whole year.

Thank you! ♥️

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