id: jwfnpr

In need of financial support

In need of financial support

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Hello, dear people

My name is Nikolay, 29 years of age and currently living in Dobrich, BG. What can I say.. I'm going through my toughest period in life right now. There was an incident (sugarcoating a little bit here) that started in my life back in 2021 which led me for a full year+ to be in a very, very difficult financial situation as of writing this. Actually, this is the case since the end of November last year.. I'm just now really struggling and seeking help. Not to mention I recently stayed for whole 3 months in a mental institution due to bad emotions ruining me (depression, stress, worry).

Right now my parents, who are also not in the best financial position, are somewhat helping with what they can. But this is temporary since they can't keep it this way for long.. they have their own problems and sooner or later, they will escalate to the point where I'll be left on my own.. which is not what I want. Nor do I feel good seeking help from my parents at this age.

I don't even have my own PC. I've been given a broken phone from a couple of years ago which at least is something. But I had plans.. I wanted to study a specific computer related major here in Varna. I also wanted to check for the possibility of a remote job which may have helped me in my financial struggles. Seems impossible at this stage and many stages ahead sadly.. I guess this is my luck for this year. I look forward to the new year for some better things in my life.

This is my small story. By no means I'm a person that wants to take money from other people and online at that.. not the best feeling. But if you feel you want to donate to this unknown person from beautiful Bulgaria, it would be appreciated from the heart! There is no good deed that has gone unrewarded in some way by а higher power (at least to my believing.. that would be crazy to think it's the opposite, seems quite unfair).

With heartfelt gratitude,


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