id: hzhd8j

Help for Electro!

Help for Electro!

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Small body, BIG pain! Electro came to us with his name - electrocuted kitten! SHARE to help!

The little two-month-old baby understood painfully, that some places are dangerous to hide on the street. Given his frail, small body, he is lucky to have survived the electrocution, the burn, and the infected muzzle wound that followed. He was barely eating, emaciated, and every successfully eaten food was painful and contributed to his wound being dirty and infected. Cleaning of the wound revealed a large hole of missing tissue from the kitten's muzzle, which we hope can regenerate in time with intensive therapy and medication.

Veterinary doctors are fighting for the life of the little weak and injured kitten Electro. Fingers crossed that he survives and walks the long road to recovery. We believe he is a fighter

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