id: dychmz

For rehabilitation of my mum

For rehabilitation of my mum


We ask from our whole hearts for support for our beloved mother, who needs continuous rehabilitation for her body and mental condition after suffering from meningitis. It is long, arduous work with the body and mind and requires monthly financial expenses. We also plan to rent a ground floor apartment for our mother, where she could live with my brother and continue rehabilitation. Thanks to the specialized exit, we can easily take her outside for some fresh air. This involves additional costs. I have already purchased a specialized wheelchair for which we would like to thank everyone who helped with this purchase. I dream every day that my mother will be able to finally recover at home and cook soup again, or at least sit like a human being and not stay in a care center for a second year. She won't be able to sit there on her own because there are no such specialists.Everything has to be purchased additionally then. We believe in the power of human solidarity and that together it is always easier. Any amount is valuable and we thank you very much for sharing this fundraiser. As expression of gratitude, I can paint an abstract painting, a nature painting or a portrait.

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2500 Zeichen
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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