Help Mike in October!
Help Mike in October!
Wofür werden sie heute spenden sammeln?
i'm Mike. Many of you will know me from yapping about history on Twitter, harassing Nazis and generally having very little shame.
Now, those days of meddling with nazis, grifters and weirdo eugenicists are mostly behind me.
Recently I've been devoting my time to building a career here in Germany.
Most of this year, I've been working freelance to pay the bills. Unfortunately, however, a perfect storm has landed me in a tight spot.
A lack of work over the summer, soaring insurance bills and having to take time off for illness means that I'm in a bit of a (financial) hole.
Truth is, I have a lot of shame.
I like to think I can just barrel through life, gritting my teeth. Asking for help is incredibly hard for me.
Normally, I'd just bite the bullet and rawdog the whole being (beyond) broke thing, but aforesaid recent illness and a (stress-related) hospital visit last year tell me that's a terrible idea.
I'd like to not throw a gear, metaphorically speaking.
So, I'm just aiming to see if I could raise the money for my insurance payment.
€572 (Yes, that's what a freelances can pay in insurance here in Germany) would be enough to give me a little bit of breathing room, and give me more time to seek full-time work.
Once I reach the target, I'll turn the fundraiser off.
Anything over the 572 would be then be used for forthcoming bills.
I've been very reluctant to do this, but I'm also aware that guilt and shame can often do more harm than good.
I've been made painfully aware of what stress can do to one's health, and I'd like to be around for years yet - to yap about history across my various social media, if not haranguing Nazis.
Thanks for listening, and have a great day.
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